The Vocational Training Centre of Wood and Furniture Industries - CFPIMM, is a public and non-profit organisation, created by protocol celebrated between the national Institute of Employment and Vocational Training - IEFP, and the Association of Portuguese Wood and Furniture Industries - AIMMP. Endowed with technicians with wide training experience, and having collaboration of trainers with pedagogical training and true knowledge of industry, CFPIMM disposes of high quality installations with latest pedagogical means and workshop equipment, located in Lordelo, Paredes, Portugal.
CFPIMM’s activity is divided in two major training strands: Initial Training and Continuous Training. Within Initial Training gives importance to qualifying training, offering courses with 3 years duration and equivalence to secondary school - Apprenticeship Program, and also training courses of 1 year duration for young and adults searching for first job - Initial Qualification Program. Reference should also be made to the permanent interaction with industries of the area throughout the period of Initial Training, by the organisation of Visits and existence of Practical Training component, taking place in those industries.
The Continuous Training, having the purpose to support industrial development through training and constant modernisation of employees, give relevance to new technologies, methods and management systems.
Since 2006, CFPIMM has a New Opportunities Initiative, working with adults with low academic and professional qualifications, nowadays mostly aged over 50s, with difficulties in keep up socio professional challenges and in high risk of self-exclusion.The aim is to improve qualifications and competences and potential towards employability by acquiring or updating basic and general skills.
CFPIMM participates, since 1993, in several international partnerships composed by training centres, technological centres and qualified centres with activity directed to wood industry sector; with this participation in transnational projects, CFPIMM has obtained new pedagogical means and has given its technicians and trainers a high technological level of knowledge.

Kuressaare Gymnasium's Education and training centre Osilia is a unit of Kuressaare Gymnasium. It was founded to organise further training and
education and to upgrade the qualifications of adults as well as students of Saare county. The Education and training center Osilia opened
on 1 December 1996, financed by the Lions Club and the State Investment Programme. Osilia is a member of the Non-formal Adult Education Association
(ENAEA) and the Adult Education AssociationAndras. Osilia's mission is to support the development of Saare County by offering quality education and
competitive courses to meet people's needs. Osilia's main objective is to organise futher education and nonformal adult education in the region,
including teacher training. The key values of Osilia are quality, professionalism, efficiency, creativity, openness and flexibility. Fields of
activity education and training (futher training, qualification upgrading, non-formal education), programmes and projects - LEMON, adults'
non-formal education programme, labour market employment projects, consultancy (pedagogics, psychology, careers and debt counceling).

The Civic Enterprises Association (Civil Vállalkozások Egyesület) was established 9 years ago with the mission to launch the Senior Mentor Program (SMP) the aim of which is to offer new opportunities for Hungarians over 55 years of age to become active citizens through educational activities.
The Senior Mentor Program is a movement that trains elderly adults to become mentors and brings them into public elementary schools to improve academic achievement of students, through one-to-one tutoring, small group academic help and assisting teachers. During the past 10 academic years 36 service sites have been set up and are currently being operated by SMP in Hungary and in Slovakia.
This Program aims to solve serious social problems, beginning with literacy and social exclusion. Throughout the activities performed the senior volunteers become adult learners themselves while helping younger generations with their studies. Today more than 100 individual members serve as tutors and mentors to children in urban public schools and after-school programs, where they help teach children to read and develop the confidence and skills to succeed in school and in life.
By September 2016 more than four thousand senior citizens applied for corps member positions. After the capital we successfully set up new volunteer teams in thirteen cities in western, southern, eastern and northern regions of Hungary and three cities in Slovakia. We started to recruit volunteers in cities under twenty thousand residents as well in order to provide service in more disadvantaged areas.
Our goal is to become one of the largest not-for-profit service programs in Hungary. Our vision for 2020 is that the number of Senior Mentor Program corps members shall increase to 500, and the number of schoolchildren served shall increase to 3000. The scope of Senior Mentor Program shall embrace 100 public elementary schools. In addition, we shall launch pilot projects in other Central and Eastern European Countries.

Panevėžio rajono švietimo centras (PRSC) / Panevezys District Education Centre is a public and non-profit organization founded by the Council of Panevezys District Municipality in 1995 and located in Panevezys City, Lithuania. The purposes of the Centre are to develop professional competence of the members of schools’ communities, and promote the dissemination of perspective pedagogical innovations. It provides an in-service training for 18 schools and 10 kindergartens communities situated mainly in Panevezys District.
The Centre sees its principal task as offering training, workshops, seminars and consultations which are in keeping with the time, and which emphasize quality from which trainees, their organizations and pupils could benefit, now and in the future. The service of freelance experts of education and acknowledged trainers-practitioners is available for the district teachers and school managers.
International College Sp. z o.o. (IC) has been offering its services since 1994. It has a wide range of educational activities from language courses, to intergenerational learning, pre-school care and European projects management.
IC specializes in teaching foreign languages to adults. Our objective is to help people communicate and speak in a foreign language as well as understand different cultures. Our participants are, among others, adults 50+ with varied life backgrounds and motivation to learn as well as to share their rich life experiences.
The company employs approximately 20 people, including pre-school and kindergarten employees, foreign language teachers and administrative staff.
It has got extensive experience in creating training materials for different age groups, from pre-school children to senior learners. IC is also an expert in training different vocational groups as well as individuals.